Rahber launched AD campaigns with Fawad Khan and the ADs are full comedy. Initially Fawad Khan was seen in Water Cooler AD then we saw 2 more brand ads of Hotpot and Ice Box.
Let’s watch the ADs;
Rahber Water Cooler:
In this AD Fwad is shooting action scene where he was supposed to hit by water and he angrily stood up and was going, here director asked what happend? He replied you were suppose to use water, how come you put ice on my face?
The team then told him it was water and since morning we have not put any ice in it, so he surprisingly asked how come it’s too cold? Team replies, it is Rahber’s water cooler, it keeps cold for very long time.
The ad finishes with a tagline, whether there is cold or not, this cooler will keep water cold.
Here is what I think about this AD;
- I will remember this ad for 2 reasons, one the cooler is the product I use so it relates to me, 2, it is Fawad Khan’s iconic AD
- Everything was well connected and the end was astonishing
- Overall I think it’s 9/10
What do you think? Tell in comments below.
Rahber Hotpot:
In this AD, Fawad returns home late as his shoot took some extra time and he missed the family dinner. He says anger at its own place but after shoot hot dinner has exceptional place.
So keep the anger of ourselves to ourselves, let the food be stay hot and here comes the tagline of the brand, the Rahber’s hot pot which keeps the food hot for very long time.
Again the ad is well planned and easy to remember. Next time I visit the market, I will try to find the brand’s hotpot.
How about you? Did you like the AD? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Rahber Ice Box:
This one was not up to my expectations but it was 6/10 as there was nothing exceptional, hero enters the bar and villians stand up to fight and hero picks up the water instead of breaking the bottle he starts drinking it saying, it was cold.
The ad ends at Rahber’s Ice Box which keeps cold for longer time.
Keep reading more AD Reviews here
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